mardi 4 mars 2008

No, I'm not running for SSMU

I've withdrawn from the race to be Vice-President University Affairs of the Students' Society of McGill University next year late yesterday (Monday) night. Sorry to disappoint some of you. Just read the Daily on Thursday for my silly comment/Hyde park to know partly why (EDIT: it was angrily and badly written, so I've reworked it and it will be published next Monday). And so you know, I've started solving the problems I mentionned in there, but I'll leave others to the institutions that should take care of them.


I won't campaign specifically for anybody else (or anything else aside from proudly wearing the Délit's button), because I'm torn for certain positions, and because I don't want to buy into voting/running only for well-known people. Plus, I'll never get that campaign rush I got in November 2006 while trying to get Elizabeth May elected in London, Ontario during a by-election. I would (and might still) campaign against apathy, for democracy, though (but wouldn't the system be even more democratic if we could vote for "None of the above"?).

Seriously, I was reading [Devin, David-Marc and Yahel]'s AUS election support notes (sorry to make linguists cry here), and realizing my note would contain only things like "Well, I know this person, so vote for him/her". I didn't take time to read through people's the platform, even if I have access to Facebook, but I did read the blurb available on the AUS ballot, which discouraged me to vote for certain positions.

What I really like however, campaign time or not, is to make tools to empower people. Getting information out there. And you'll learn more about that at the SSMU Legislative Council 6PM this Thursday and every second one room Lev Buckman second floor Shatner (if you think this is redundant, try to get that info from the SSMU website). Or bug any elected officials, be a good citoyenne engagée. Improve systems, organizations, social constructs, bring change in institutions.

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